Self-Hypnosis Audio is an extremely valuable tool. Each recording is approximately 30 minutes long. Sit back and relax and do exactly as the recording tells you. If it say’s, “take a nice deep breath of fresh air”, then do so. The voice on the recording puts you into a somnambulist state, more commonly known as hypnosis. At that point, the subconscious mind is at a highly suggestible state and will accept the anchoring process and the information needed. Remember, it takes 6 weeks to change a lifetime habit, so it is very important to be repetitive and listen to the recordings preferably every day. Also remember, when willpower verses the imagination, the imagination will win every time. Let your imagination and subconscious mind work for you.
CONGRATULATIONS, you are doing something about it.
60310 200 Ln
Mankato, MN 56001
Self Hypnosis CDs |
The Original Pooter Tooter – $15.00